Things To Keep In Mind While Interviewing Someone

Filed in Articles by on July 7, 2023 0 Comments

It’s not a feud, we all know the impact hiring the right persons for your company can bring, and let’s not talk about how much growth can be discovered when every team member works together because it would be massive.

Imagine hiring a competent Data Analyst who knows he shouldn’t miss his deadline or a copywriter who’s a connoisseur with words and can never miss his deadline, then you know you’ve done your company a solid.

However, it’s sheer recklessness that most employers would toss the resume of their interviewees to a corner with the notion that they can judge them at face value, and we all know how deceptive that could be. Don’t even get me talking about the results of bypassing the interview process because you think you can thin-slice perfectly.

As an interviewer, there are tons of things to keep in mind while interviewing someone and I’m going to list them out beginning with the most ignored characters an applicant puts up from the moment they sit in front of the panel.

So, the fact that someone arrives early for an interview, speaks smartly, and gleams a smile isn’t a sign that they’re good enough.

What Should You Keep In Mind While Interviewing Someone?

1. Their Ability To Be Coordinated

How someone acts and looks when they’re under pressure determines just how good they are at what they do. If someone finds it difficult to think while he is under pressure then how would he act in front of a higher authority?

There will be seasons when you’ll need someone to represent you while you’re busy with something else, so keep that in mind when you’re interviewing someone. It’s easy to get carried away by the influence exuded by the interviewers but anyone who can stomach that pressure is worth considering.

2. Mode Of Dressing

This shouldn’t escape your notice, you either be a meticulous observer to see past their dress or you must live under a rock to not know that you should scrutinize their mode of dressing even if you decide not to bulge a word.

If someone dresses inappropriately for an interview, then it’s a clear sign that either they don’t value what they’re doing or they will do the same thing after they get employed. I know you may say we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but you should try to stay wise.

3. Their Motives

It’s creepy how many job seekers search for jobs just for the money and not to grow or add value to the company. Watch out for that, if they are only interested in the salary, then they’re not in for growth or the well-being of the company and such people may only pull down the existing system.

4. Skills

It’s highly important for interviewers to look out for the different skills their interviewees possess. Look out for intelligence, teamwork, interpersonal skills, and emotional intelligence, all of these skills and more may not be found in one person, but be sure they all possess a greater portion of each and just not competence. You don’t want to have a company full of angry staff just because one person won’t work along with the rest of the team.

5. Experience

This cannot be overemphasized. Experience plays a huge role in an individual’s competence level. Imagine an individual who has had ten years of experience and someone who has zero experience; the outcome will never be the same. Don’t just go for the gleam and zeal, watch out for the experience.

6. Innovation

The good thing about new staff is that most of them have lots of innovative ideas, and you might want to look out for that too. Some staff may introduce their ideas based on their motives for wanting to work for and with the company. So, if you find a new and innovative candidate and you think they could add to your company, do not hesitate to grab them.

7. Competence

You can’t overlook this. No matter how innovative a staff is, if they’re not competent at what they do, there will always be a problem. Good ideas and motives are good, but what if the staff finds it difficult to provide the needed work before the deadline, what becomes of the project? This is one of the things you look out for during an interview because it might be just too early to start searching for new staff.

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